No, notification will not be made from beforeUdig to certified locators, the excavator needs to contact you directly.
No, any work engaged with the excavator by a certified locator will be performed directly between excavator and certified locator. It does not provide the certified locator with authorisation or approval by the utility asset owner to locate their assets.
Yes, a utility owner will continue to provide the same level of service as they did prior to this update which may or may not include a locate. Users of beforeUdig should continue to select the ‘Yes’ option and add a preferred locate date and where the utility network owner provides any locates, standovers or any other asset protection services they will continue to liaise directly with the excavator.
No, any locating companies with enrolled and up to date certified locating certificates are valid for listing.
No, any locates are conducted entirely between the excavator and the certified locating company. beforeUdig takes part in the transaction.
Check the certified locators website here for details on how to get your locators enrolled and certified