These are industry safety alerts, and lessons learned documents issued by companies and regulatory authorities and are published by beforeUdig to assist the industry in understanding the root cause and contributory factors behind a specific incident.
The documents will address these with lessons learned, which may benefit beforeUdig users.
The documents were not reviewed or approved by beforeUdig, but they are publically available, or we do have permission from the owner for publication to improve industry standards and reduce the number of strikes.

Aliquam iaculis, nisi nec ullamcorper iaculis, nisi nunc iaculis velit, et ultrices arcu lacus ac libero. Sed dignissim. Suspendisse semper mauris a tortor. Ut porttitor, urna ut pretium ullamcorper, arcu arcu tincidunt massa, ac vestibulum leo purus sed tellus. Proin fermentum nisi sit amet augue. Integer risus leo, porta pellentesque, tempus non, euismod et, massa. Curabitur sed turpis ut nulla tincidunt elementum. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos.